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13.09.2005 | 13:07 Uhr
Wird Sliders fortgesetzt?


Vor über 5 Jahren wurde die letzte Sliders Episode "Der letzte Slide"/"The Seer" abgedreht und nun brodelt die Gerüchteküche um eine so lang erwartete Fortsetzung. Auf der SciFi-Channel Seite "Sci Fi Wire" selber wurde ein Artikel veröffentlicht in dem eine Serie über "alternative Realitäten" beschrieben wird. Doch ob es sich dabei um eine Sliders-Fortsetzung oder über eine gänzlich neue Serie handelt, geht nicht hervor. Hier der Text:


  SCI FI fragt Was wäre?

SCI FI Channel announced that it is developing What If, a "speculative future" series that     poses intriguing scenarios of alternate realities. The program, from NBC Universal Television Studio in association with New Line Television, asks, "What if a moment in time could change the world forever?"

What If is being developed as a weekly, one-hour series. Some scenarios: What would happen if the meteor had missed the Earth and dinosaurs co-existed with the development of humans? What if Germany had developed the first atomic weapon, bombed New York and was victorious in World War II?

"This project has universal appeal," Mark Stern, SCI FI Channel's executive vice president of original programming, said in a statement. "Who hasn't wondered what our daily lives might be like if certain moments in history had gone a different way? What If will take an exciting, thought-provoking approach to imagining such possibilities."

What If will incorporate computer-generated graphics, dramatic recreations, narration and interviews. Emmy Award-winning producer/director Jon Kroll (The Amazing Race, Big Brother) will serve as executive producer on the series.

What If is inspired by the book series of the same name. The production will work with Byron Hollinshead, president of American Historical Publications and producer of the best-selling anthologies, which are published by Putnam in the United States. (Text übersetzten)





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